Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bored...Read This!

The Prologue to the story I'm currently working on(:


The man was terrifying, tall and strong and the best warrior you’d ever seen. He swung his sword around and around and it clashed with the other man’s. Sparks flew, metal clanged, swear words flew through the air quick as the swords. Their grace was deadly, the way they swung their swords, the way their feet stepped so precisely. The two men danced a dark, deadly dance around the hall.

From the door, a woman watched. She was strikingly beautiful, noble with full auburn hair. Her distinguished features were clouded with concern as she watched the two men battle. This is what she had feared. She knew how this had to end. She did not fear that ending for herself, but she feared for those around her.

She swept away from the door, running quickly down the stone hall. She pulled up her silk skirts, freeing her movement. As she ran down the halls, she saw some servants hiding behind curtains and under tables. Most of them had run, though, when the horrible man had arrived. The poor cowards, she thought sourly.

She found who she was looking for in a room not far from the hall. A young girl, only sixteen, was huddled in the corner. She was terrified, but wasn’t everyone?

“We don’t have much time, you have to leave,” The woman said, pulling the girl to her feet. She looked the girl over and, with a rueful smile, gave her one last hug. “You must go now.”

“I won’t leave you.” Even though the girl’s eyes were full of fear, she stood tall and defiantly. She’s so brave, thought the woman proudly.

“You have everything that I gave you packed, correct?” She asked.

“Yes ma’am, but—“

“No, do not speak. You have to leave now, time is short.” Her voice was becoming frenzied. There was yelling now, she could hear it. The battle was louder then ever. There was less time then she had hoped for. She knows everything, she is prepared enough, the woman told herself. Stop worrying.

“No, I won’t. I’ll stay with you.”

“We don’t have time for this.” The woman grabbed the girl’s arm and dragged her through the corridors. As they ran up to the hall’s door, the girl pulled her arm free as she saw the two men fighting. Her eyes were wide as she was one man fall, the terrifying man raised his sword and brought in down in one final, lethal swing, it hit the man in the gut. He went limp, gasping for air. He would not survive.

The girl cried out and the man looked towards them.

“Well, well, the little bird hasn’t flown away after all,” He said, his sinister voice mocking her. He began to advance to the two women standing in the door. The older woman jumped in front of the girl. There were tears in her eyes, but she stood tall.

“Leave us, Carlen, and never come back,” She said defiantly.

“I don’t think I will…” He smiled devilishly. He pointed his sword at the woman, out of nowhere she reached into her skirts and pulled out a long slender sword. The two swords collided. The girl slipped out of behind the woman and ran towards the dieing man. She knelt beside him.

“No, no,” She whispered, holding his head in her lap.

“We… We knew this day would come,” He said, coughing up blood. His voice was hoarse and full of pain; he shook with every word.

“You’ll live, it’ll all be okay,” The girl ripped her dress and pressed the fabric to the wound, her voice was cracking and tears fill her eyes. She refused to believe it, but she knew that the man would die.

He pushed the cloth away. “No, it’s too late… You know everything you need to. You can save everyone else. You are a brave girl, you can do it.”

“I need you,” She whispered.

“No, you don’t. I… I am going to die. You will have to do it by yourself.”

“I don’t want to.”

“You have to. You are brave and smart that is all you need; do not let anything stop you. You have to stop him… I love you.” He closed his eyes and took one last shaking breath.

“No… No…” The girl whispered. Behind her, there was a scream, she turned around and saw the woman on the ground, unconscious. The man turned towards her, smiling that horrible smile again. The girl gently pushed the man’s head off her lap and stood up tall.

“You certainly are a pretty one,” He said.

“How could do this?” She said, tears flowing down her cheeks, her voice cracking. “How could kill in cold blood like this?”

He walked towards her, smiling evilly. “It’s quite easy, really.” She began to back up, seeing his intent. She looked desperately around, there was no way out. All the servants had fled or were too cowardly to come; the guards were dead or captured, there was no one.

“No… Please… No…” She whispered quietly. He had reached her now. She was breathing heavily, back up against a table; he pressed himself up against her. She turned her face away. He smelled foul, his ugly face leering at her, he was chuckling under his breath. “No…” He took the hilt of his sword and hit her over the head.

She slid to the ground, slowing feeling her consciousness slipping away. She tried so hard to hang onto a thread of awareness, but it was so hard, slipping away so fast. She watched the man walk over to the woman and grab her.

Then everything went black.

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