Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cassandra is a Meany Poo Face!

Cassandra Bloom is making me write this.

She is forcing me.

She has a knife to my neck through text messages in the form of offering to write more on my favorite story of hers. It's like a knife. I don't do it and I don't get anymore of the story. It's unfair!

Therefore, Cassandra is a meany poo face.

So I shall talk about her and my writing since there is nothing else to write about... Cassandra is the next big sensation. She's good. But she doesn't believe me. No matter how many people tell her she is amazing, she does not believe us. Her characters... They're real. Her writing is descriptive and captivating, drawing you in with every word, like an ocean current.

My favorite story of hers is currently Unnamed, it doesn't have a name so that is what we refer to it as lol, and that is the one that is like a knife to my neck right now. She even put a character in it for me ^.^ It has a depth to it, and underlying sense of true feeling. I love it. She needs to finish it.

She calls that story childish, but if that is childish than my writing is like prenatal-ish. I don't even LIKE my writing. Like, at all. I hate it really. The only reason I keep writing is because I enjoy it and people ask me to. I think they read my stories out of pity, though. I don't think there could be any other reason.

So there ya go, a blog post.

Smile on m'dears! :D
~Jessica (: