Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Undeniable Truth...

Let's just say that there is one honest truth on this planet and it is that I have only ever finished one story that is not school related.

Okay so maybe not the only truth, but a truth nonetheless.

There, I have blogged.

Adios! Smile on! :D
~ Jessica <3

Friday, May 11, 2012

You Broke it, Stop Expecting Me To Fix It!

This is to you, friend who does not read my blog and never will and lives out in internet land,



Okay. So that was a little dramatic. But really... I'd like to vent. And I am tactfully telling her the truth, remember in the last post?? I'm attempting to use tact.

And I know she doesn't read this, so in the meantime I will scream it out on my blog. Which has a total reader number of: 0.

So you're not even reading this... Funny how that works, huh?

To this person..

Shall we start with your choice in guys?? You keep complaining about a "broken heart" when you would be dead if you really had a broken heart so shut the heck up! You don't know what pain is! You have lived a comfy little life with everyone waiting on you hand and foot. You think you are things that you most definitely are NOT. You are a girly little spoiled.. Well okay. Yeah. You are not who you think you are. I know you. I know this. You say these things to everyone but you just aren't!

I started with guys so let's keep going on this... You say you love a guy and then you two have a fight and you keep expecting me to fix everything. I am your cornerstone, I am you only support, I am it. Aren't I? You want me to fix you and to fix this problem and to fix your future. Well I am perfectly glad to be there and help, but I can't help you if you aren't willing to help yourself.

That's the honest to God truth and you know it.

I am so sick of you abusing the word "love". You don't love him, you like him. Get it straight. If you loved him, you'd love him forever... Not just a few months and then be over it and straight onto the next guy. Oh yes and you keep tormenting the old guy even though YOU are the one who screwed it up. You are the one who ruined everything yet you act like he is the one who did it.

Get. Over. Yourself.

You are a lying little spoiled brat who's full of herself and can't appreciate what she has.

Just sayin'.

So sorry my posts have been so depressing lately.. Not that you're reading this.. Guess I just need to scream in a quiet place..

Always smile, m'dears, even when you want to tell someone that ^^ (:
~Jessica <3

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I've Started Noticing my Friends

That title is not complete truth. I have always been aware of my friends' existences and have been actively involved in most of their lives, but recently I have begun to notice connections in my friends. Like similarities. Soo I shall list a few of them:

 - Very few of them are my age, most are older or younger.

 - Almost all of them are Christian.

 - Most of  the time they're mature, especially for our age--or their age if they're older/younger than me. Emphasis on "most of the time".

 - Most of them are academically advanced.

 - Most of them enjoy writing--whether they're good or not and whether they know they are good or not lol--and reading.

And the final realization...

 - Most of them are guys.

I am a teenage girl. I am not "eye candy". Not really anywhere close. Let me give you a brief description of myself:

 - 5'3"
 - Two feet of blonde hair
 - Green eyes, although they change shades
 - Light freckles
 - Straight teeth after over a year in braces

I guess I have a good figure, I'm like 120 lbs, I'm not outstanding appearing in anyway... I think I am rather ugly, really. Maybe I'll post a pic for you guys..? I don't know, anyhoo, this is why I do not understand why I have so many guy friends.

I am not even a nice person.

I do not know how I have friends of either gender.

I. Am. Not. Nice.

I. Do. Not. Like. People.

True story! I don't like people! So many people are so self absorbed and stupid and mean that I do not see the reason for liking people! I do like some people, like my friends, and I suck it up and smile when I'm around the people I don't like--and there are plenty of those--but in the end I will tell you what I think of you. Sometimes I am tactful about it and feed it to you in small portions, but other times I get pushed over the edge and end up just biting your head off.

In the end, you'll know what I think of you.

And that is why I do not understand how I have so many friends! I am brutally honest. Painfully, brutally honest. I actually don't think I have that many friends--I certainly don't have a lot of people who really know me--but I am informed that I do. They count my facebook friends. *runs to check Facebook* And I only have 422! Yeah I know all of them, but it's not like they really know me.

They know that I'm brutally honest.

That's kind of about it.

Anyway, this was a really rambling post but I have posted in a long time so there ya go. Now you know about my friends and how I am honest. There ya go.

Smile, m'dears, you might hate everyone around you but there always is a reason to smile(:
 ~ Jessica