Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I've Started Noticing my Friends

That title is not complete truth. I have always been aware of my friends' existences and have been actively involved in most of their lives, but recently I have begun to notice connections in my friends. Like similarities. Soo I shall list a few of them:

 - Very few of them are my age, most are older or younger.

 - Almost all of them are Christian.

 - Most of  the time they're mature, especially for our age--or their age if they're older/younger than me. Emphasis on "most of the time".

 - Most of them are academically advanced.

 - Most of them enjoy writing--whether they're good or not and whether they know they are good or not lol--and reading.

And the final realization...

 - Most of them are guys.

I am a teenage girl. I am not "eye candy". Not really anywhere close. Let me give you a brief description of myself:

 - 5'3"
 - Two feet of blonde hair
 - Green eyes, although they change shades
 - Light freckles
 - Straight teeth after over a year in braces

I guess I have a good figure, I'm like 120 lbs, I'm not outstanding appearing in anyway... I think I am rather ugly, really. Maybe I'll post a pic for you guys..? I don't know, anyhoo, this is why I do not understand why I have so many guy friends.

I am not even a nice person.

I do not know how I have friends of either gender.

I. Am. Not. Nice.

I. Do. Not. Like. People.

True story! I don't like people! So many people are so self absorbed and stupid and mean that I do not see the reason for liking people! I do like some people, like my friends, and I suck it up and smile when I'm around the people I don't like--and there are plenty of those--but in the end I will tell you what I think of you. Sometimes I am tactful about it and feed it to you in small portions, but other times I get pushed over the edge and end up just biting your head off.

In the end, you'll know what I think of you.

And that is why I do not understand how I have so many friends! I am brutally honest. Painfully, brutally honest. I actually don't think I have that many friends--I certainly don't have a lot of people who really know me--but I am informed that I do. They count my facebook friends. *runs to check Facebook* And I only have 422! Yeah I know all of them, but it's not like they really know me.

They know that I'm brutally honest.

That's kind of about it.

Anyway, this was a really rambling post but I have posted in a long time so there ya go. Now you know about my friends and how I am honest. There ya go.

Smile, m'dears, you might hate everyone around you but there always is a reason to smile(:
 ~ Jessica

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