Sunday, March 11, 2012


What would you know?! I just won a blogging award! Thank you to the beautiful Miss. Cassandra Bloom! Thank you so much! The pride is too much! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ok, calm down, calm down... Seriously, please, stop clapping. I have a thank you speech to give, people! Fine, whatever, thanks Cassandra, my family and my friends. And the two people who follow me. Thanks people. Whatever, clap ok. Thanks bye.

Haha ok seriously, thanks to Ms. Cassandra and thank you for reading this. I would appreciate it if you'd follow me and if you do, then I will definitely check out your blog ^.^

It's beautiful, is it not?

RULES (from the creator): If you are awarded the Paperclip Award, you must answer the 13 prompts given, and then you must give the award to 13 bloggers (although, as the creator of the award, I’m giving you permission to give it to less, or more, and bend the rules a little) and give a link to their blogs. Also, no awarding the blogger who awarded you! Got that?
1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Oh at one point I think I wanted to be a professional horse rider... But for the past several years it's been  a best selling writer. 2. What is your ultimate favorite place to be?
Hmm... Toughy. Well I personally like it when it's a bit rainy and cold outside, so I can cuddle up in a recliner with a good book or my laptop to write and a nice big cup of hot chocolate. I've been officially banned from coffee. Thanks, like I needed that one!3. Name one famous person who inspires you. (Just one!!!)
Just one...? Probably Christopher Paolini, because of his success in writing and he started published his first book when he was 16 which went best seller about a year and a half later. Definitely an inspiration. 4. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee. But I'm banned. Stupid caffeine.5. If you could be any other person for 48 hours, who would you be?
My dog. He has it easy.6. What is your earliest memory?
Hmm... Probably walking around on cement blocks in front of our old house when I was three, as my parents were packing the travel trailer so we could move. 7. If you could ask anyone in the world, living or dead, anything, who would you ask, and what would you ask them?
I'd ask Jesus to sign my bible.
8. What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
Gone in for surgery. 9. What is your favorite book?
Hmm well I have several lol, see two posts ago.. Two posts, right?? Yeah, two posts.. I think...
10. Briefly explain one of the weirdest dreams you have ever had.
Weirdest?? I can't remember weird... But when I was younger I had a nightmare again and again I had a nightmare that a big huge bat came into my room and was dragging me away. I tried to scream, but couldn't, then my mom came into the hallway but she couldn't see my and she just called my name. Then the bat flew me out to two men who took me to a bar and drowned me in front of a whole bunch of drunk people in a barrel. Yeah. That was fun.
11. What one song best describes you? (Feel free to post a link to a Youtube vid)
Secrets by OneRepublic12. Pen or pencil?
13. Is 13 an unlucky number or not?
I don't give a crap.

Ok so now I get to like give people the award...? But I don't know a lot of bloggers.... So um yeah here are a few!
1. Cassandra Bloom: I give it back to you! lol you got me hooked on blogging and are one of my bestest friends. Te amo! Hahaha you don't have to answer the questions again though :P
2. Paperclip Girl: I haven't known you very long, and you did start this, but I'm still going to give it to you! Super sweet girl!
3. Ashton Phoenix: I've known you for a bit, so I give this to you! lol

So yeah that's really it... And if you really feel the need to take this.. Then yeah I guess you can xD

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