Monday, March 12, 2012

Music is an Amazing Thing

Sometimes the world is on your shoulders, weighing you down, and there is not one darn thing you can do about it. Yeah, it sucks. A lot. Like terribly. We've all had those moments, though, so I really shouldn't need to explain to you the pressure and horribleness of those phases.

There are a few things that get me through this times: Writing, my amazing friends, Jesus and music. I find that talking to my friends and Jesus help me realize where I am going wrong and where I can fix things, and writing helps me organize my feelings, but music is my escape. 

The rise, the fall, the suspense... It all comes together, drawing me toward it so enticingly I can't resist it. I find myself lost in it's warm embrace, letting it carry me away into a land where I am no one and know nothing. I close my eyes and suddenly I'm not me anymore.

I'm the strings on a guitar, the keys on a piano, the bow for a violin... Whatever you can think of, I'm there, I'm it. I'm the instrument, the singers voice, everything about the music invades me and carries me away. I'm no longer struggling to breathe under the weight of the world, instead I'm thin air. So free and weightless, it's so amazing to be free even it is just for a moment.

Gosh I love music <3

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