Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just Another Step in the Process

What a week.

And it's only Tuesday!

One of my best friends left the school I go to and it's definitely sad :( Ms. Cassandra Bloom I do miss you lots! I miss not talk to you all day every day! I hate that I can't go to you with all my problems now! I hate that your shoulder is no longer there for me to lean on!

But I know this all totally selfish, even more so because it's more hard on you then me--I mean you're the one switching schools, but it's true: I do miss you tons! Especially since we only had one day to say good bye :( At least we still have texting and email...

We have to keep looking on the bright side, right? I mean, it's a new school, a new beginning! It's a place full of adventures just waiting to be had. And girl you're the one to have them! That place is yours for the taking! So go in there and show 'em what you're made of! Just because you're the 'new girl' doesn't mean you have to act like the one! Own it. Live it. Love it.

The world is your oyster... You're foot stool... It's yours for the taking! So take it, take it run! Have fun with it! Don't let anyone hold you back! Love everyone and love yourself, love the life you live and live it like Jesus! Don't get upset or angry just because things aren't working out like you plan. Smell the roses on the detour! You're still getting where you want to get ;)

Sit next to the person alone at lunch, be kind to everyone, be yourself--because, let's face it, you're amazing--and you might just save someone. There are like seven billion people in the world, never let one ruin your day. God made you an original, don't die a copy!

One last thing: It's your life, don't let someone else live it.

Have fun and be yourself(:

And all us at Connections still love you lots no matter what school you go to(:
~Jessica <3

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