Monday, February 13, 2012

Too Bored to do Homework

I am too bored to do my homework, so I will blog instead(:

I'm going to try to not talk about my homework, but I'll probably end up back there anyway. So don't be suprised if I somehow find myself back at scientific notation and augemented matrices. Which I really don't understand. Well, I get the scientific notation, but not the matrices.

I was just writing and made a mistake and went back and corrected it. You wouldn't have known that unless I just told you - which I did - but you want to know why? Because I corrected it. I do that a lot, correct as I go, people tell me that's bad but I didn't give a darn. I will do what I please and not be conformed by society.

I read my blog from earlier today and saw that I made a lot of spelling and grammarical mistake, you're going to have to forgive me for that one. That blog just goes to show you how carried away I can get when I'm typing something I'm really excited about. Sometimes I'm just so happy I make all kinds of mistakes, not just typing but in life. I don't think about what I say and someone gets hurt, and then I'm not happy anymore.


My foot is asleep and it is painful. It's in that stage where it still feels asleep but I can actually feel it, so it's like pulsing. It kind of hurts. Actually it does hurt. Pretty bad. Oh gosh, oh gosh, the pins and needles! Owwww!!!

There's an online game I play, it's called Howrse (yeah, remember I told you I'm pretty much way into horses), there's an admin on game named Ow. And another named HOwler and BOwler, that's because it's an Owlient game. They are way into the "Ow" thing, that's why it's HOwrse. Yeah, I just pronounce it like horse. You probably did too when you were reading it in your head.

When you think, do you think in your own voice?? I do. I can think in like a man's voice for a little while, but it sounds like my fake man voice. It sounds like a mini-me is sitting up in my head and talking to me in there, which I know it isn't. It's actually just your brain, with a whole bunch of air around it. That's creepy to think about, huh? I bet you visualized it and now you're either cringing or smiling goofily.

Actually, you're probably just staring at the screen with a blank expression.

I bet that last one is right, huh? That's something you need to know about me, I'm really good at guessing things.

(I'm really not)

Can you tell I'm rambling?? I do this a lot in my head. One topic leads to another , so welcome to my head. This is how I think. I bet if you're a girl, you're following this pretty well, but if you're a guy, you might be lost in how I connected all these things. If you've actually read this far. Which you probably haven't.

You have??

You must have no life. Or be very bored. I'll just assume the latter to save you the public humiliation of me telling you that you have no life. And whatever I say is right. I am always right. Even when I am wrong, I am right. What an oxymoron.

For those of you who don't know the meaning of oxymoron, do not panic. I did not tell you that you are a moron, nor did I tell you that you have no life. I did neither of those. Don't worry. An oxymoron is... Well it's too hard to explain and requires thinking, which I don't feel like doing.

Homework requires thinking, except for English homework, and I hate homework. Especially Algebra. I really hate algebra. Especially augmented matrices. I really hate augmented matrices. Scientific notation isn't terrible, but dealing with negative exponents is plain out annoying and takes forever.

Goodness, how did I end up back at homework?? :O Oh wait, I totally called that one.

I must let you get back to... Well, doing whatever you were doing. You may be busy browsing blogs or having no life or fighting invisible ninjas. Maybe having dinner with Chuck Norris and a drink with Jackie Chan afterwards?? Well, I don't really care at this point - Wait are you still reading?? Wow - I have augemented matrices to simplify.

Adios amigos.