Sunday, February 12, 2012


"Will you be my Valentine?"

No, I won't, I'm already my bestie's Valentine((: No I am not a lesbian, we are just friends lol and decided to be each other's Valentines. More people do it then you probably think.

Anyhoo, to the point of this post.

Valentines is actually pretty pointless in a good relationship. Shouldn't a guy randomly surprise his girlfriend with flowers and chocolates and a romantic dinner or picnik or anything anyway?? I mean, really, I'd rather be spontaneously surprised with something then expect it to happen one day out of the year. And if a guy is only taking his girlfriend out for a nice dinner or getting her little things on that one day, then he seriously needs to step it up.

But girls, you are not completely out of this. You should not expect your boyfriend to take you out to the most expensive and romantic restraunt just because it's Valentines day! Did you ever think that he has to pay for gas and electric bills and food and cell phone bills and all your other dates and every gift he gets you and every neccessity of life?? Most guys don't have $200 to go blow on an expensive dinner.

All in all, it might be nice to do something nice for Valentines, but really you should be doing nice things for each other all year round. Guys should not just get things for his girl on Valentines, and girls should not expect everything on Valentines. It's just another day. "Some people call it Valentines Day, I call it Tuesday."

Have fun(:

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